Friday, February 22, 2008

We've been busy!

First, let me start off by saying we went into the test kitchen last week, and TAG's memory did not fail him. He made another wonderful batch of cookies. They are a hit. I say, I think we have a signature cookie...hey, maybe TAG should start making the breakfasts in the mornings...

Well, the winter has been nice, but not quite as busy as Spring, Summer, and Autumn. We have taken advantage of some of the extra time and went to work on making a few changes...maybe a better word would be additions. We finally went to Orlando to get our Armoire, which is now the focal point of the Foyer. We also have started that library that has been "coming soon". We really like how it looks so far. We have added some artwork, sconces, and mirrors here and there through out the Inn. We hope you all like the small additions we have made. Our hope is that you feel comfortable, relaxed, and welcomed the minute you walk through our door.
With all of the additions, if you have stayed in our Spring room in the past, then you know the story behind the bed. Our "Spring" bed delivery was delayed by 3 months and a few days. A few of you have already seen it. For those of you that haven't we will take this opportunity to include a sneak peak of a picture. It has not yet been updated on our website

a peak at the "Spring" bed
I just love the details
definitely the focal point in this bedroom

the new armoire in the Foyer
again, it's the details...

get comfortable and enjoy a book

a little addition to our Autumn room

a little find that has winter all over it

Be sure to log back in to check back to see what other exciting things we are up to.

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